Tuesday, July 6, 2010

wedding games

You all know that I am a big fan of the Haitian version of bingo night. Stop going as the repertoire of games didn't change much. I would so much like to have Kako entertains my guests but not sure I can afford that! But I will for sure have some games. I will play, he will have his challenges and we will see if we truely know each other LOL. Can't wait for that night of fun!

This picture, in context, makes sense. The bride tries to maneuver a raw egg up one pant leg of the groom and down the other. It never works.

Bingo night fun (you all see why it gonna be an adult affair, don't you?)

The traditional nonetheless fun shoe game:

Each table could be assigned a song, and then asked to come up with an impromptu dance for that song that they would then perform for the entire group.

Instead of the usual throwing of the garter….the one who pulls the string with the ring

And some hilarious videos gathered on youtube!

Balloons...pop it up!

Plunger and toilet paper:


Up to now no clue about the food! Du riz ak djondjon will certainly find its way but what else! I am leaning toward a buffet but I hate the clustering that can happen and the waiting time! What to do? For now I am putting a random but appealing picture and I will update soon about my final choices!


Even the champagne that I want comes in a black and yellow bottle. I am also planning on offering some cocktails that respect the color of the wedding. Maybe some soda will find their way (probably sprite and our famous banana cola)


1/4 cup ice
1/2 cup freshly squeezed tangerine juice
1 1/2 ounces black vodka
1 black licorice twist, for serving
Place ice in a tall glass. Pour juice into glass. Pour vodka over the back of a cocktail spoon into glass so it sits on top of juice and creates a layer of black. Slice 1/4 inch off each end of licorice, and use as a straw. Serve immediately.

Mimosas (orange juice and champagne)

Divide a bottle of champagne among 4 glasses. Stir together 1/4 cup pineapple juice and 1/4 cup orange juice; pour over the champagne. Top each mimosa with 1/2 tablespoon orange liqueur. Garnish with orange and pineapple wedges.

Unconventional entrance

I have always dream of a choreography as an entrance. I'll think about it but this is so funny to watch. Of course no shy people can be in that wedding party LOL

click the arrow to watch


The choir will be accompanied by a quartet! And I think there is one of my favorite choir in Haiti that does wear yellow!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Guest book

A quilt on which guests could sign!

Launching balloons or butterflies

Bubbles can be messy. Balloons and butterflies are just picture perfect in a great blue sky. Not sure where I will find the butterflies in haiti but the balloons are a definite possibility.

With this ring I thee wed...

I have always like antique rings! And Diamonds are a woman's best friend. Here are the styles of the ring I hope I will say yes too! Hope he will make me happy by buying them as I might be very resentful not getting what I want. I am a bridezilla for a good reason!


Not sure I will want a limo to go to the church or from the reception to the honeymoon venue but what I am dreaming about is a carriage from the church to the reception. Not a horse drawn one but a bicycle pulled carriage. But these little cars are also killers. Unconventional...


I am in love with these coasters as favors!

Flutes and cake cutting set!

By now I am sure that you've realized that nothing gonna be as usual in that wedding!

Unity candle

Japan has marked my life and I intend to honor what I like to call my japanese heritage. Thus this unity candle is simply perfect. From http://www.unitycandles.com/Order/order_sc_kanji.aspx


I mentioned the table but not the venue aisle!

I will replace that with kerozene lamp as a center table:

Balloons: White and black and the tulle will be yellow.

I mentioned the table but not the venue aisle!


I know that at least 25% of my budget will be spent decorating the church. I want great memories in what will look like a forest! Here are my ideas! (Need to find a church in Haiti that wasn't destructed by the earthquake though!)
The altar:

The wedding arch:

This picture is showing the inner pew whereas I would like for the outer pew:

Inner pew to show my asian side(white flowers, hat in black and yellow branches)

Inner pew alternatives with tall candles:

Sweetheart table

When you get married later in life I do believe that you can make all your fantasies come true. You are paying for your wedding and you do whatever can please you! I'll have a dramatic sweetheart table to sit with the man that I will spend the rest of my life with... I am in love with these styles and I will find a way to incorporate all of them into one nice scheme so now you figure out why I am calling it dramatic?


Here is my idea for the reception hall! Just imagine everything in yellow black and damask as I couldn't find all of them in yellow! What do you think?

Table center/accent

Wouldn't mind this at all! But what are they? Candles? Black and white and the chair would have the yellow ribbon? Need to think that through.
Or I can go with an inexpensive, recycling version...


Probablement des orchidees et des roses jaunes pour moi.
Alors que les filles d'honneur auront des bouquets de roses jaunes!
ou meme des lilies jaunes si on en trouve en Haiti

This piece...

Want that badly! I am sure it is tasty and will look great on a desert table or if it can be huge be it the desert table!


This is the save the date, but there is another version for the invitation. However I am leaning toward another card with a bow. Problem it does not come with yellow bow except for the gray version.